Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Picture of Gene from 1982

I'm not ready yet to talk about Gene, but I will share this picture of him (with Chip Salerno) from a production of Harold Pinter's The Caretaker that I directed.


Blogger patspan said...

I went to school with Gene, he was my roommate for ahwile when we fisrt moved to NYC after Indiana, Pa and theatre.
His mother Linda, was my friend, she wrote to meshortly ebfore she died and when she did , Gene and I celebrated her death as she requested, with a lobster dinner and port wine.
The world suffers a loss without Gene.
patricia spanedda

11:12 PM  
Blogger Josiah said...

Spanedda & Gallanar...I am transported well back in time just reading those names, and that pic of Gene is just... #perfect

8:51 AM  
Blogger Josiah said...

should either of you circle-back this way: @monkeyinabox (on the Twitter)

8:57 AM  

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