Friday, June 09, 2006

A Gene Email

Dell, Unisys and Microsoft -- DUMvoting 1.0!
Gene N Haldeman
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 17:56:28 -0500 (EST)

[It is never too early for April to roll around. PGN]

"This Message Can Not Be Considered Spam, Even Though It Is. Some Law That Never Was Enacted Says So."

Dell, Unisys and Microsoft have joined together to produce: DUMvoting 1.0!

DUMvoting 1.0 is a simple 375k zipped download which you can install on your machine tonight, and vote for President tomorrow! Worried about hanging chad? Not with DUMvoting 1.0! No, your vote will travel over HEALTHY SAFE Internet connections to our new DUMvoteCenter, located in my next-door neighbor's basement where a 16-year-old computer genius known as SWORDGANDALF will convert it into paper ballots in between Dungeons and Dragons games.

(Note: During installation, a pop-up box may notify you that Back Orifice is being installed. This is normal. For best results, please disable all anti-virus software before installing DUMvoting 1.0)

NEVER AGAIN will you walk to a voting booth in the rain. NEVER AGAIN will you have to associate with the kind of people (and you know what I'm talkingabout, I don't have to spell it out for you, do I?) who hang around the voting area. NO MORE messy contact with neighbors. We have got it ALL WORKED OUT for you.

And with our new SPEEDYEXITPOLL (c), you won't have to wait till midnight or the outcome! We will be sending our projections the day before the elections, and our exit polls by 11:30 am on election day, saving you both time and anxiety.

You must act fast, but DUMvoting 1.0 can be rushed to you for the low, low price of $299.00 from our website at In addition, we will send you OILMAN 3.2, the exciting new game from Microsoft: Alaska's Up For Grabs, And You Have Just Been Appointed To The EPA! Plunder as you will, but watch out for the charging caribou; we're told they have a "thing" for the pipeline!

Order without delay. Please include your Social Security number and any recent medical bills.

*Sent by the Dell/Unisys/Microsoft Consortium: "DUMideas Last Forever."

[Note that DUM spelled backwards is MUD. Must be symbolic. PGN]


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