Friday, June 09, 2006

A Gene Post To The Kate Bush Tape Tree

From: Gene Haldeman
Date: 13 Jul 93 03:30:28 GMT
Subject: Re: Tape Tree: Humble Apologies...

(Mike Mendelson) writes:
>Well, to be honest I regret having ever gotten sucked into
>this mess, since I'm not even on the Tape Tree list. Jorn asked
>me to act as an intermediary between himself and Chris W who
>are no longer on speaking terms.

Sigh. This is so silly. It's amazing to me that people who have at least one very emotional, and very important thing in common (Kate Bush's music) are willing to spend so much of their time and energy at each other's throats, and then sullenly retreat to a position of "not on speaking terms." Look at the destruction of life in Eastern Europe, the starvation and firearms of Somalia, atrocities of equal import happening in so many other places, and ask yourself if this is not childish. Maybe
you should both re-listen to "The Dreaming" and wonder whether your arguments with your mortal enemies can even touch the cry of a poor vietnamese woman holding a grenade and wondering whether or not she should pull out the pin.

I'd be willing to allow both Jorn and Chris to send me their ten biggest complaints against each other to my email address below. I may regret this, but I think you're both being childish and stubborn, and it don't make sense. Neither of you are childish; you're just acting that way. You both know better. And you both know it ain't worth the stress.

On the other hand, you can email me and tell me to mind my own fucking business.


It's a real good idea.



Blogger Josiah said...

*sigh*. oh, #TheNineties

8:40 AM  

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