Friday, June 09, 2006

This one hurts to read

[another post from the Kate Bush Tape Tree]
From: Gene Haldeman
Date: 3 Jul 93 05:55:43

I don't know whether this is just me, but:

I've seen very little here written about the song "All The Love", from The Dreaming, but this piece of music has hit me hard, emotionally, from the first time I heard it. I have rarely been able to not cry. It sems to me the epitome of the end of a relationship, from the selfish fear of only being remembered vaguely to that thought that one's answering machine message may be the only thing that remains once something is over, and then, over on the other side, the fear that calling back after a good-bye might be equally disturbing, and the fear that continuing what is happening might be equally damning. It'd be interesting, I think, to hear opposing viewpoints on this particular song.

So...does it make you cry/feel uncomfortable/hurt/wish you could live a few years again?

Lemme know.


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